Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Acne - Meaning And Introduction

Acne is a type of skin disease that is mainly caused due to the excessive secretion of oil called sebum. Basically, the function of this oil is to regulate the skin texture and body hair by reasonably moistening it. It is produced by the sebaceous glands present in the skin. But, due to excessive lubrication, you easily become prone to the development of congested pores on the skin surface. These pores give rise to various skin bumps such as cysts, blackheads and whiteheads, pimples etc.

There are various types of bumps, which vary in nature. Cyst is a condition where your skin is covered with a tiny sac that is filled with fluid. In the case of whiteheads, the pores get blocked with sebum and protrude slightly outward. When the pores stay open and are filled with sebum, they get darkened from the outside surface, and these are known as blackheads. When the pores get exposed to a different kind of organic matter such as bacteria and other germs, usually a reddish colored swelling will be noticed, and this is known as a pimple.

Acne is commonly found between the age group of 10 to 40 years. You can find a quicker treatment, if you have thorough knowledge regarding the causes and how they should be treated. You can go to a drug store or cosmetic center and find medicines for yourself. In case it is not easy to understand your actual skin condition, you can consult a physician and follow his prescription.

Beauty Related Sites.

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Free Beauty Care Directory

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever! And that can be You!

It is said that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. That probably explains why possessing beauty and being beautiful is one of the foremost preoccupations of human beings. Over the years, consumerism has transformed such preoccupations into frank obsession. Inner beauty is no longer in – skin-deep beauty certainly is! But what is wrong with that? Cosmetology and the beauty industry have come of age, aided steadily by advances in cosmetic surgery. Daily workouts, gym sessions, visits to beauty parlors and keeping in sync with beauty and fashion tips has certainly become trendy.

Enhancing your beauty.

Beauty is in the eye of its beholder. Perfect beauty is but an illusion, but if you can feel good about yourself by enhancing your looks, you may find more joy in your life. And it is not too difficult to achieve. The media is full of beauty tips and beauty products. Beauty supplies are always at hand – be it at the Shopping Mall or on the Net.

However, it is beautiful to be simple and yet simple to be beautiful. One can surely start from ones home itself.

Maintain a regulated lifestyle.

Six to eight hours of sleep with fixed times for fixed quantity meals, avoidance of "junk" food and high calorie stuff, lots of fluid intake, high priority for vitamin-rich fruits and a rigid regime of self-discipline, would certainly make a good start in ones quest for beauty.

Related Sites.

Health and Beauty Tips

face cream with peptides

Tattoo care peeling

moisturizers with peptides

Homemade skin bleach

Free beauty samples

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airbrush tanning

sunless tanning lotion

Indoor tanning lotion

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Beautiful Skin is Every Man and Woman's Dream!

She was so upset that day. She could not concentrate on her work in office. Her friends started asking her what happened to her. Anything amiss? They wondered.

It was a conversation during breakfast when her husband remarked “Honey, my friend introduced his wife yesterday.” “How does she look?” “She is slim and a bit fairer than you.” Now she has started pondering on how can she can make her skin fairer and make it glow.

Beauty is an obsession of women of all ages for many centuries but how many women realise that beauty is skin deep?. External beauty does matter but the beauty of the inner soul obtains that extra glow in the skin. A not-so-looking-good violin produces wonderful music than a flashy new violin. Similar is the case of a beautiful woman who looks extremely beautiful with a make over.

Not all know that women who participate in beauty pageants have to pamper themselves for many number of days with creams and lotions and also be strict on diet and live on warm water and lemon juice most of the time. The make-up artists do an excellent work on the faces of the contestants by carving and chiseling a work of art on their faces to make their skin glow. But only when the show is over, and the artificial “everything” is removed from them do they realise how naturally beautiful they are.

The natural glow just happens if a woman has a beautiful smile, a kind heart, maintaining a good body and eat a proper diet and keep the inner soul beautiful and clean.

“If you're lookin' for a lover

don’t judge a book by its cover

She may be fine on the outside

but so untrue on the inside."

Or it might be vice versa where she might not be fine on the outside but can be wonderful inside!

Not only women. Even men are becoming more conscious of their looks because women these days consider external beauty as one of the characteristics of a lover. The increase in the number of family saloons worldwide proves that the entire family wishes to appear good.

At the same time a value education on inner beauty is also needed to make them realise that a beautiful soul glows more than a beautiful skin!