Sunday, April 15, 2012

How To Remove Pimples With Natural Products

Pimples affect mainly the skin, especially the forehead and nose, where sebaceous glands are present in greater quantities, but zits do not disdain even the back, chest, genital organs, in short, something for everyone. It all starts because the sebaceous glands, producing excess sebum, the skin become inflamed and a pimple appears. If the inflammation can not find an outlet to the outside, the body attempts to circumscribe it in a bag and can thus form small cysts that can leave, once healed, permanent scarring.

The root cause of pimples and acne, in addition to hormonal factors, have poor eating habits, especially spicy foods, sausages, canned foods, sweets, sodas, all foods that overload the digestive system that is unleashed with the appearance of pimples. Even the situations of great stress affect much, the body secretes cortisol and adrenaline that implement defense mechanisms, but alter the hormonal balance and this is especially evident on the skin.

Finally, pimples, are unleashed in the premenstrual period, pregnancy and menopause are times of balance changes in hormone levels that can cause aggravations or improvements.

Natural medicine offers remedies to eliminate pimples, made of birch, burdock, artichoke, rosemary, nettle, purify the skin and the body by reducing the inflammatory component and improve digestive function and bowel. Prepare an oil that can be applied every night with one of those discs that are used for cleansing with a cotton ball or wool: 3 drops of essential oil of peppermint, lemon essential oil 5, 5 of essential oil of sage, 2 of thyme essential oil in 50 ml of almond oil. Masks are also excellent DIY.

And if you want, instead, going on briskly, without complicated preparations, to eliminate or better, reduce the size of pimples, do this: Wet the skin until it is damp, put a little 'of toothpaste directly on the pimples and leave for about 10 minutes. Do not leave toothpaste more than necessary, if it starts to burn, remove it immediately. After removing the toothpaste, moisturizing the skin with a moisturizer suited to your skin type. An important recommendation, never use toothpaste as a mask, can cause redness and burning. Does not work for everyone, but no harm trying.

Face Wash

Thank to visited us. You can find more beauty tips and related articles. Such as: "The Best Face Wash For Acne seems to be different for each person. What works for teenage neighbor, does not necessarily work for another baby on the way."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Permanent Wrinkle Filler

Permanent Wrinkle Filler - The technology has now made ​​available a variety of substances that can permanently correct the wrinkles of the face, although these principals are given almost exclusively for deeper wrinkles such as the nasolabial folds.

The materials available are both injective (textured silicone microspheres, microspheres of Plexiglas, etc.) and solid (dermis alogenico dehydrated, PTFE etc.).

The PTFE (Goretex and commercially Softform) is the filler used for the longest time, handy and reliable material is available in different shapes and sizes and can be modeled depending on the defect to be filled. Is introduced through needles or special introducers, after local anesthesia in the treatment area. The procedure is rapid (approximately 15/30 minutes) and the permanent result.
The infection of the wire is the only possible complication and in order to reduce the rare occurrence while antibiotics are administered pre-and postoperative for a few days.

It also important to remember that liquid silicone, a substance widely used for decades, has long been banned by the U.S. FDA and EEC law (governing body for drug control in the U.S.) because of the frequent problems after injecting can to cause.

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